Hypnotic Horizons, LLC

Frequently Asked Questions

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Frequently Asked Questions About Hypnosis


The following gives answers to some frequently asked questions.  Comfort with the Hypnotherapist and the process on the part of the client is essential to a positive experience with hypnosis.


  1. WHAT IS HYPNOSIS?  - Hypnosis is a state of awareness, where the subconscious is made receptive to suggestion through bypassing the critical conscious mind.  This process demands the consent of the client.  Hypnosis can be a very powerful and rapid method to bring about positive changes.


  1. CAN HYPNOSIS BE DANGEROUS?  - There has never been a documented case of harm coming to anyone from the therapeutic use of hypnosis.


  1. CAN A PERSON BE HYPNOTIZED AGAINST THEIR WILL?  - No one is hypnotized against their will. Entering hypnosis is a consent state. The Hypnotherapist assists and guides the subject, who then enters hypnosis themselves.


  1. COULD I BECOME STUCK IN HYPNOSIS? – Nobody has ever been stuck in hypnosis.  Sometimes the person in a state of hypnosis will refuse to come out because they feel so relaxed and at peace.  They stay in hypnosis because of their own choice.  In the even of some emergency, the person would instantly come out of hypnosis and be totally alert.


  1. CAN I BE MADE TO DO SOMETHING AGAINST MY WILL OR MORALS WHILE HYPNOTIZED?  - No.  The Hypnotist or Hypnotherapist does not have control over the client.   The best way to view hypnosis is as a guided self-hypnosis.


  1. WHO CAN BE HYPNOTIZED? - Anyone with an open mind, reasonable intelligence and the ability to concentrate.


  1. WHAT IF I CAN'T BE HYPNOTIZED?  - Most people feel or think this very same way. The fear is giving up control. You are actually exercising a more powerful form of thought control than at other times by accepting the suggestions given. The only thought to prevent you from going into hypnosis, is the thought "I cannot be or don't want to be hypnotized".


  1. WHAT CAN SELF HYPNOSIS DO FOR ME?  - ANYTHING YOU WANT IT TO!   Instant learning and photographic memory systems are based on self-hypnosis. Champions in many sports use it to improve their game concentration. You can now learn to overcome unwanted and undesirable habits, such as smoking, overeating or drinking. Effective pain control is now at your finger tips.  You regain self confidence. You realize success is easily within the reach of an active mind, and erasing harmful emotions leads to a happier and healthier life.


  1. CAN PHYSICAL SYMPTOMS BE CAUSED BY EMOTIONS? – Many physical symptoms are psychosomatic in nature, which means that they have an emotional or nervous basis. When you come to think of it, it is not really so strange that emotional strain or worry should produce physical symptoms. After all, every organ in your body is connected with your brain by nerve channels.  It is logical that when you are upset emotionally by some crisis or conflict, you feel the effects in various organs of the body.


  1. CAN CHILDREN BENEFIT FROM HYPNOSIS - Actually, children make ideal hypnosis clients, because they are less likely to reject new things in their conscious mind.  Children can benefit in areas such as eliminating unwanted behaviors, including bed wetting, thumb sucking and fears to name a few examples.  It can also be used to remove blocks that may be causing difficulty in school.

Office Hours: By Appointment

Contact: doug@hypnotichorizons.com